Update Details

Consent2Go is a secure platform to help us manage student health and medical information, aid teachers in planning and running excursions and activities, high quality risk management and facilitate parent permissions/acknowledgement for those activities. With each activity, parents will receive an email with detailed information on the activity and the ability to update and approve the medical information and contact details the College holds regarding your child. Your child’s details can be updated at any time through Consent2Go and does not require parents to set up an account or remember a password.
Immunisation Certificate
If your child is an Australian citizen, you will need to obtain a copy of their Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) history statement (it will be beneficial if you have already established a My Gov profile). As part of the amendments to the School Education Regulations, schools will be required to identify an Australian student’s vaccination status by sighting the child’s current AIR history statement. If your child is over 14 years old, your child will need their own MyGov account. Need help creating a MyGov account?
10 Weeks’ Notice in Writing
A reminder that if you wish to withdraw your child from the College we require 10 weeks’ notice (excluding school holidays) in writing with a reason for withdrawal otherwise a 10 week withdrawal fee will be charged in lieu. All withdrawal notices need to be emailed to enrolments@kcc.wa.edu.au.
Parents on temporary or permanent residency visas are reminded that you need to update the Enrolments Department if your residential status changes in any way. Please provide a copy of your new visa or citizenship certificate to enrolments@kcc.wa.edu.au. Changes of visa status may impact the College tuition fees you have to pay. Universities receive information from us about your residential status. If you do not advise us of your new permanent residency or citizenship, you may need to pay higher fees and miss out on HECS funding.
Updating Marital Status
If your name or martial status has changed,  please kindly complete the following form which can be updated here.

learn more about enrolling at Kingsway college.

We invite families to have a conversation with us about their children’s educational needs, so that together, we can decide whether Kingsway is the right College with which to partner.


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