School starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:20pm. A warning bell is sounded at 8:45am.
This ranges from 20 in Kindergarten with a Teacher and Education Assistant and goes up to a maximum of 32 from Year 4, or 25 for elective subjects from Year 7.
There are four Houses named after four missionaries who are known for their work in four different continents: Taylor (blue), Carey (red), Flynn (purple) and Livingstone (yellow).
We offer after-school clubs which vary from term to term. They often include Art, Reading, Times Tables, Extension, Chess, Spelling and Reading Support, Year 6 Concert Band, Recorder/Percussion, Scrapbooking and Golf.
Our Course Selection handbooks can be viewed here.
From Years 3 to 6, students learn French for one hour per week as a second language. It is offered an elective in the Secondary School.