The College is a not-for-profit organisation, which exists to provide an independent education within the context of the Christian faith. The College relies on income from families in the form of fees, as well as recurrent funding from the State and Commonwealth Government to meet the wide range of costs associated with staffing, teaching, administration and facility update and maintenance. For a full listing of all charges, please download a copy of our 2025 Fees & Levies and our 2025 Financial Information Pack.
For a full listing of all international fees, please visit International Students – Kingsway Christian College
Sibling Discounts
Please note that sibling discounts will be available on the tuition fees only. The following sibling discounts apply: Second child: 15% discount Third child: 30% discount Fourth and subsequent children: 60% discount If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Finance.
Family Accounts:
Student Insurance:

Direct Debits
For information about direct debits, please see contact the Family Accounts Officer at or on (08) 9302 8777.
Fee Assistance
Secondary Assistance Scheme – The State Education Department offers a Secondary Assistance Scheme of up to $350 to parents or guardians of Y7-Y12 students, who hold an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card, Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or Veteran Affairs Pensioner Concession Card. Application forms can be obtained from College reception. The application form needs to be witnessed by a member of staff from the Finance Department, please note that proof of eligibility must be provided.
For further information contact the Family Accounts Officer at or on (08) 9302 8777.