Five reasons why STEAM education is important

As the world continues to see technological advances permeate throughout all facets of life, it is more important than ever that young people are equipped with the skills to ensure they are ready for life after school and the world beyond. At Kingsway Christian College, students receive the opportunity to explore, in depth, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) subjects, and develop important life skills throughout all stages of their education.

There are many benefits of an education that focuses on STEAM. As economies and industries continue to evolve, we want to set our students up for life with a broad range of STEAM skills to form well-rounded individuals with a competitive edge as they enter the ‘real world’. More broadly, a STEAM education encourages and cultivates critical thinking, creativity and teamwork, to promote the curiosity and investigative skills required for a better understanding of the world in which we live.

Below are just some of the benefits in which a STEAM education empowers our students:

1. Lifelong Skills

STEAM education equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the rapidly changing world. With technology advancing, it is vital that students have a strong foundation in STEAM subjects to prepare them for the future.

Creativity, experimentation and collaboration are all nurtured, with students encouraged to think outside the box to solve problems, often working together to tackle projects that are too big to take on individually. Engaging in teamwork activities at a young age helps students become socially intuitive, enhance how they communicate and ultimately help them develop into happier adults.

Most importantly, a STEAM education teaches students that it is okay to fail — with trial and error being an essential part of the problem-solving process.

2. Building Critical Thinking Skills

STEAM subjects emphasise analysis, explanation, interpretation and evaluation – all vital critical thinking skills. In a world where information is only a click away, the ability to quickly understand, interpret, analyse and assess a problem or situation is vital.

Critical thinking is a universal skill that should be nurtured at school and can be developed further through the study of all STEAM subjects.

3. Encourages Creativity

While STEM subjects focus primarily on analytical thinking and problem-solving, STEAM education recognises the importance of artistic expression and creativity.

Through the integration of the arts into STEM fields, students are provided with opportunities to express their creativity and develop innovative solutions through a unique lens, fostering a mindset of curiosity and experimentation.

Incorporating creativity into STEM disciplines not only makes learning more engaging but also fosters well-rounded individuals with a broad range of skills.

4. Prepares Students for the Workplace

Advances in technology have seen the emergence of new job sectors with traditional roles slowly being phased out. Skills learned through the study of STEAM subjects — critical analysis, creativity and digital literacy — are undoubtedly important in today’s workplace, with 75% of jobs in the fastest growing industries requiring workers with STEM skills alone.

According to the National Skills Commission, there is a shortage in many STEAM industries in Australia. This becomes increasingly important for schools to ensure their graduates are equipped with the tools and knowledge they need to pursue careers in STEAM. It is predicted that future workers will spend more than twice as much time on jobs requiring Science, Maths, creative innovation and critical thinking than ever before (

By providing students with the tools and knowledge they need to pursue careers in STEAM fields, we can help them excel and succeed in their desired pathway.

5. Promotes Collaboration

Collaboration is one of Kingsway’s six values. STEAM education often involves collaborative projects where students work in teams or groups. This collaborative approach nurtures effective communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills, allowing students to effectively listen to others, share ideas and leverage their collective strengths.

In today’s interconnected world, being able to collaborate effectively is an essential skill . Learning effective ways to collaborate from a young age can help students develop important social and emotional skills that will benefit them throughout their schooling life and beyond.

6. Adaptation to New Technology

Digital literacy is now a vital skill set, with over 85% of the Australian population owning a smartphone in 2023.

Technology shapes how we interact in our jobs, socially, in relationships and the world. It is essential that young people are taught the skills needed to participate and contribute meaningfully to the world around them. A good STEAM education gives students the ability to adapt to the ever-evolving technological landscape; allowing them to adapt and move forward with the confidence to navigate the digital landscape.

At Kingsway, we recognise the importance of heavily integrating STEAM into the curriculum. We strive to provide our students with a breadth of opportunities to excel in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics as they become ever present. Through promoting STEAM fields and encouraging our students to pursue a career in these areas, we strive to build a better future for our growing communities.

To learn more about how Kingsway is preparing students for the world that awaits them, download a Prospectus.

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